Why is Syria under attack? - Part 4
‘Syria’ is about power, money, influence and energy
When you peek below the surface, it becomes clear that Syria is under attack due to the interests of the parties involved. ‘Syria’ is about power, money, influence and energy.
Why is Syria under attack? - 3
Syria and Iran are like pieces on a geopolitical chessboard
Why is Syria under attack? - Part 2
On the interests of the parties involved in the Syrian conflict and the role of the media
In the event of major military conflicts that risk considerable humanitarian and economic consequences, it is useful to examine the interests of all parties involved as well as the role that the media plays in reporting the events.
Why is Syria under attack? - Part 1
Who is behind the chemical weapons attack in Syria?
On the surface it’s straightforward: the U.S. wants to liberate Syria from a brutal dictator who is attacking his own people with poison gas. But beneath the surface there is something very different going on.
Albert Spits: Creëer je eigen financiële veiligheid
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Spits beschrijft hoe de euro richting de uitgang gaat en dat je intussen maar beter waarde voor je geld kunt kiezen. Hij raadt iedereen aan zich voor te bereiden op een systeemkrach.
Belangenverstrengelingen ook bij Mexicaanse griepprik
Het RIVM haalt bakzeil in de ongelijke strijd tegen de kritische huisarts Van der Linde. Het is niet voor het eerst dat de overheid de confrontatie zoekt met kritische burgers die vragen stellen over belangenverstrengelingen en vaccinaties. Dat blijkt uit mijn boek Dossier Mexicaanse griep. Wat daaruit ook duidelijk wordt is dat belangenverstrengelingen rond vaccinaties niet ongewoon zijn.
Daan de Wit (DeepJournal) interviewt Webster Tarpley op het Magneetfestival
Het Magneetfestival gaat de diepte in met vier interviews. Daan de Wit interviewt Webster Tarpley, Albert Spits, en Mike Donkers.
Albert Spits: 'ESM is monetaire staatsgreep'
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Het ESM, bijna niemand heeft er nog over gehoord, maar het gaat ons land vele miljarden kosten, zonder dat we er ook maar iets over te zeggen hebben.
Fight against Damascus and Tehran a threat to Russian and Chinese interests
Not the entire world is wishing for a different Iran, although it does seem like that at times. Superpowers China and Russia are charting their own course, and in spite of their modern relationships with the West, there are still a lot of differences.
Preparations for a war against Iran in full gear
News reports on Iran are now following each other in rapid succession, and together they form a new step towards a military conflict. [...] What follows is an analysis of these fast-moving developments
NATO and CIA covertly arming Syrian rebels in order to weaken Iran
It is clear that all the pieces are being put into place for a war against Iran. It is a long-term project demanding many years worth of preparation, and the ultimate goal is getting closer all the time. One component of this preparation is the covert arming of Syrian rebels.
Israel and the U.S.: Iran not working on a nuclear weapon
While the world is getting the impression that a war with Iran has drawn a few steps closer, representatives of Israel and the U.S. are making some remarkable statements about the Islamic Republic. These statements are remarkable in part because, at the same time, the build-up to a military confrontation would seem to be continuing apace.
Economist Albert Spits: the euro is gone by the summer of 2012
De Wit: No, but it’s going to cost an awful lot of money to reprint all of those currencies and make the switch.
Spits: Sure, but it’s going to cost a lot more money to try and save the euro, which cannot be saved.
Government has to be more open, transparent and accountable: Marietje Schaake (D66)
[...] proactive thinking on the part of those operating inside the ruling establishment can nevertheless be a positive thing. This is exactly what Marietje Schaake, European Member of Parliament for the Dutch political party D66, contributes in her article [...]. I ask het what she means by going from being the governed to being the governors'.
Albert Spits over het verschil tussen de Keynesiaanse en de Oostenrijkse school
Spits: Wat deed Keynes? Die deed het helemaal andersom, zette alles op zijn kop: productie is niet belangrijk, de vraag is belangrijk. Want we moeten zorgen dat de werkgelegenheid op peil wordt gehouden, dat mensen genoeg te besteden hebben, et cetera. Vandaar dat hij aankwam met allerlei soorten ingrepen, zoals renteverlagingen, het extra drukken van geld et cetera.
Albert Spits: A crisis of 2 years instead of 10 through reorganizing fiancial sector
Advisor to pension funds Albert Spits reads between the lines, takes account of the various economic schools of thought (more to come on this soon in this interview series) and examines past developments to see what they might have to teach us about the future. With the facts in tow, Spits sorts through the fluctuations and takes note of where things are headed, though he also points out how things could turn out should we choose to deal with these problems differently.
Iran and the West + Israel are like two trains on the same track heading straight for each other
The issue of Iran is immersed in a fog of propaganda, deception, fear and interests. Once you step out of the fog and rise above the news coverage about Iran you see that a battle is being waged on multiple fronts. It is a war about power.
New steps on the road to a military conflict with Iran
The information war that is currently raging around Iran is part of the ongoing conflict with the country. It is one component of the preparations for war against Iran that have been underway for years, and which follow the template used to conquer Iraq.
Politicians and the media disregard facts in Iran report
In an article responding to the report released by the IAEA CNN headlines: 'Iran developing nuclear bombs'. Media and politics worldwide make bold statements as to what to do about the Iranian 'situation'. But what are the facts?
IAEA report is a new step on the road to the next war: against Iran
Iran is once again finding itself at the top of the agenda. Pressure is being stepped up on all of the parties involved. This is a new step on the road to the next war - this one against Iran.
Mike Donkers: 'Eet meer verzadigd vet'
De discussie gaat vaak over ziekte, ziektekosten, ziekenhuizen, over wat te doen als het mis gaat en wat dat dan mag kosten. Aan de andere kant van de balans is veel winst te behalen, op maatschappelijk, maar zeker ook op persoonlijk niveau: hoe kun je gezond worden en blijven?
Secret report: Megrahi is not the Lockerbie bomber
The verdict in the Lockerbie case is based on lies and deception, and the man convicted of the crime, Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, cannot be the perpetrator. This appears from revelations contained in a secret section of an official report.
Paul Flynn MP: WHO report on Swine Flu is a 'disgrace'
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In the interview with DeepJournal Flynn reviews that WHO report. Flynn is dissapounted by the conclusions of the report, basically claiming that the WHO made no mistakes in handling the H1N1 pandemic, whilst in fact an experimental vaccin was used on millions of people for a flu that was very mild.
Albert Spits: concrete tips bij de komende crisis
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Zoals al duidelijk werd in de vorige twee interviews is Spits voorstander van het investeren in zilver om de crisisjaren redelijk door te komen. In dit interview noemt hij concrete bedragen en hoeveelheden. Ook reageert hij op uitspraken van de Zweedse filosoof en publicist Johan Norberg.
Albert Spits: Dieptepunt crisis over 11 jaar
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Spits trekt de lijn van de golfbewegingen door en ziet dat de huidige fase in de economie, die wordt gezien als het begin van een herstel, als een teken dat de goede tijden weer zijn aangebroken, onderdeel is van een curve die over het algemeen nog een neergaande beweging maakt. Pas over elf jaar zal het dieptepunt worden bereikt.
Albert Spits: Huur een huis en koop zilver
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Beluister het interview met Albert Spits, pensioenfondsenadviseur. Hij een een uitgebreide studie gemaakt van de economie en meer specifiek de dynamiek van crises. Door met een onafhankelijke blik de golfbewegingen te bestuderen, is het mogelijk om betere inschattingen te maken van de actualiteit en zelfs toekomstige bewegingen.
The Western influence on the Arab Spring - 2
Revolutions - be they spontaneous or not - are more appealing than wars. They cost less in terms of blood and money. This explains the great interest taken by the West in the development of programs designed to bring about revolutions. These programs make use of a template, a pattern. This can be seen in the color revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Green Revolution in Iran. Now we have the Arab wave, and again the same elements are back.
This is part 2 of The Western influence on the Arab Spring. Read part 1.
The Western influence on the Arab Spring - 1
Revolutions - be they spontaneous or not - are more appealing than wars. They cost less in terms of blood and money. This explains the great interest taken by the West in the development of programs designed to bring about revolutions. These programs make use of a template, a pattern. This can be seen in the color revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Green Revolution in Iran. Now we have the Arab wave, and again the same elements are back.
De gekte van de Mexicaanse griep
Tweede deel uit de publicatie van onderzoeksjournalist Daan de Wit over zijn boek 'Dossier Mexicaanse griep', een kleine griep met grote gevolgen.
'Het grootste schandaal sinds WOII'
Dossier Mexicaanse griep
Belangenverstrengelingen, miljardenwinsten, angstcampagnes, experimentele vaccins en geheime contracten: dat is het verhaal van de Mexicaanse griep. Eerste deel van een tweeluik. Dit verhaal is opgetekend door onderzoeksjournalist Daan de Wit in zijn boek Dossier Mexicaanse griep. In zijn artikel voor FTM haalt hij enkele belangrijke elementen uit het boek naar voren.
Daan de Wit over Dossier Mexicaanse griep bij Ochtendspits
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Vanochtend was Daan de Wit te gast in het tv-programma Ochtendspits om vragen te beantwoorden naar aanleiding van Dossier Mexicaanse griep. Dit boek heeft het doel een dossier te leveren voor een parlementaire enquête rond de Mexicaanse-griepaffaire.
Bekijk de uitzending (12'00).
Bekijk de website bij het boek.
Willem Middelkoop: Nieuwe recessie is onafwendbaar
In het gesprek gaat Middelkoop nader in op zijn tweet: 'IMF is duidelijk bezig de wereld klaar te stomen voor a "new world currency"'. Middelkoop vertelt dat het IMF de volgende fase aankondigt in de kredietcrisis: een vervanger voor de dollar als wereldreservemunt. Een stap die na een nieuwe crisis kan resulteren in een wereldmunt.
CIA Seeks to Influence Opinion on Wars - 3
The first group of people to be targeted in a military conflict is the public. They are the first victims, for in a military conflict war is only one stage of the battle. The biggest battle is for the hearts and minds of the public at large.
Daan de Wit geeft lezingen op TU Delft en Universiteit Utrecht
Lezing door Daan de Wit - DeepJournal - Wanneer de geschiedenis een andere wending neemt
TU Delft, maandag 17 mei - 20.15 uur
Universiteit Utrecht, 21 mei - 13.30
CIA Seeks to Influence Opinion on Wars - 2
CIA Red Cell document proves the rule
The CIA Red Cell recommendations for influencing the European public into continuing their support for the mission in Afghanistan was quite remarkable. But the reality is that the contents of the document prove the rule, not the exception. From my book The Next War - The Attack on Iran - A Preview I took some excerpts that show that the CIA document is not quite unique
CIA Seeks to Influence Opinion on Wars - 1
CIA Red Cell document proves the rule
What's special about the case of the document is not so much its content, but the fact that it is now available for all to see. In a military conflict, war is only one stage of the struggle. The biggest struggle is for the hearts and minds of the public at large.
Obama continues Bush's Iran policy - 3
The influence of the Israel Lobby on America's Iran policy
'America's Pro-Israel Lobby', as AIPAC calls itself, holds the biggest conference in its history today, yesterday and the day before in Washington. 'This year, the lobby has built its annual conference, and its entire lobbying agenda around the issue of Iran', writes Haaretz. AIPAC is very influential, and Washington fears the long arm of the lobby. One of the resources it employs is the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI).
Obama continues Bush's Iran policy - 2
The battle against Iran has already begun. War is only one phase of this process - just as it was with Iraq. The preparation is the most important part of the battle. Whoever thought that the preparation for war ended when Barack Obama took office is advised to take note of the views of critical thinker Noam Chomsky in the previous installment of this DeepJournal series. He says that Obama's policy on Iran is a continuation of the policy of his predecessor, President Bush. Anyone who cares to look at the facts will see that he is right.
Obama continues Bush's Iran policy - 1
Also under President Obama Iran continues to dominate the world agenda. Iran is being presented as a crucial problem that must be solved. The Iran Problem is one with several layers. The uppermost layer is that Iran is a potential threat to world peace. What are the facts and the fiction that make up this first layer?
WHO plays dubious role in Swine flu pandemic
On June 11, 2009 Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the WHO, declared the Swine Flu a pandemic. The declaration of phase six means that emergency procedures are put into motion which bypass established systems designed to safeguard the public health. The result of this is described in part six of this DeepJournal series on the Swine Flu. Conclusion: the vaccine is being tested while being administered to the public. The definition of what a pandemic is, is therefore of great import.
Government flu advisors not independent
Ab Osterhaus is playing an important role in the affair surrounding the Swine Flu. Through his influence and conflicts of interest, he personifies a system that is now being subjected to investigation from all directions. Soon the investigators will undoubtedly stumble upon SAGE, the strategic advisory group of vaccine and immunity experts for the World Health Organization, or WHO. Osterhaus turns up here as well - he is an expert with SAGE.
Influence of industry on 'fake pandemic' investigated
Also beyond The Netherlands the question is being raised over whether the large-scale acquisition of vaccines made sense. The Council of Europe began an investigation into this question last Tuesday. 'A number of members of the Council of Europe have expressed exceptionally harsh criticism of the World Health Organization and are asking themselves out loud whether drug manufacturers had too much influence in this decision'.
Daan de Wit over Skull & Bones bij Goedemorgen Nederland en BNN
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Beluister de interviews over het geheime genootschap Skull & Bones die Daan de Wit gaf aan Goedemorgen Nederland en BNN Today.
How Dutch Minister Klink decided on vaccines with additives - 2
The Netherlands has an ongoing contract with Solvay Pharmaceuticals for the making of vaccines without additives. Then Dutch Health Minister Klink severs - with all of its accompanying financial consequences - the contract with Solvay. He signs new, secretive contracts with GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis, companies that make vaccines with additives - the so-called adjuvants. In The Netherlands everyone is receiving the same vaccine containing adjuvants - whether they are young or old, pregnant or not. What happened that caused Klink to make this decision?
How Dutch Minister Klink decided on vaccines with additives - 1
In the international battle against Swine Flu different countries use different vaccines to protect their citizens. In the Netherlands vaccines containing additives are being used. Even women 13 weeks pregnant are receiving this vaccine. In arriving at his decision, Dutch Health Minister Klink sought advice from the Health Council of The Netherlands. But he didn't get this advice. And yet he still went ahead and made a decision. Who advised him on this?
Vaccination advice given to pregnant women based on 'practically no scientific data'
The vaccines Pandemrix and Focetria have been chosen to fight the Swine Flu in The Netherlands, vaccines with so-called adjuvants. On what basis was the decision made to vaccinate pregnant Dutch women with these specific drugs? The answer from the National Health Council is clear - though not reassuring - namely 'that there is practically no scientific data on the use of the adjuvants (agents that stimulate the immune system) used in the vaccines during pregnancy'.
H1N1 vaccine tested while being administered
Despite promises that the Swine Flu vaccine is safe, it has not been tested on the target demographic that is now receiving the shots in Europe. The testing phase began the moment the drug became available and was administered to the public. It actually has been tested, but only on a small group of healthy people. This was done in a very short period of time. The long-term effects to all parties involved are unknown.
Interview Willem Middelkoop: 'Er gaan grote veranderingen komen'
'Behoud je baan, wees flexibel, geen schulden'
Middelkoop kijkt in dit interview terug op de interviews met De Wit in 2006 en daarna. Hij geeft tips hoe de huidige kredietcrisis te overleven: 'Behoud je baan, wees flexibel en maak geen schulden'. Middelkoop legt uit dat de huidige oplossing voor de crisis uitstel van executie betekent en dat intussen het vertrouwen afneemt van burgers en overheden in het financiële systeem, met alle gevolgen vandien. De introductie van een wereldmunt ziet Middelkoop niet gauw gebeuren: 'Pas als er een wereldwijde ineenstorting van het financiële systeem plaatsvindt'.
Is the Swine Flu vaccine dangerous? The facts and the fiction
Despite the urgent advice of the government and reassuring words from the minister responsible, there remains much doubt. To be or not to be vaccinated against the Swine Flu? While there are long lines to get the shot, many others are choosing not to be vaccinated. Part of the controversy surrounding the vaccine are the additives, such as squalene and the mercury compound Thiomersal. How dangerous are these substances in reality?
What to choose... The vaccine or a natural remedy for the Swine Flu? The facts and the fiction.
Long lines are forming at health centers that are administering the Swine Flu vaccine. But the vaccine isn't getting to everyone. Many doctors and nurses don't dare take on the vaccine's risk. They point to the potential side-effects as well as the fact that the Swine Flu has only affected a fraction of the number of people that die every year of the common flu. Vaccination in The Netherlands is voluntary, but in America they've taken it one step further.
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Why is Syria under attack? - Part 4
‘Syria’ is about power, money, influence and energy
When you peek below the surface, it becomes clear that Syria is under attack due to the interests of the parties involved. ‘Syria’ is about power, money, influence and energy.
Why is Syria under attack? - 3
Syria and Iran are like pieces on a geopolitical chessboard
Why is Syria under attack? - Part 2
On the interests of the parties involved in the Syrian conflict and the role of the media
In the event of major military conflicts that risk considerable humanitarian and economic consequences, it is useful to examine the interests of all parties involved as well as the role that the media plays in reporting the events.
Why is Syria under attack? - Part 1
Who is behind the chemical weapons attack in Syria?
On the surface it’s straightforward: the U.S. wants to liberate Syria from a brutal dictator who is attacking his own people with poison gas. But beneath the surface there is something very different going on.