Government flu advisors not independent
By Daan de Wit * One of the advisors for SAGE is Roy Anderson. About a month and a half after Margaret Chan declared the Swine Flu to be a pandemic, he left SAGE after it turned out that he was on the payroll of GlaxoSmithKline, one of the producers of the Swine Flu vaccine. * Dr. Frederick Hayden was consulted by SAGE as an expert. As a result of a freedom of information request from the Danish newspaper Information, it's clear [translation] that he also received money from the pharmaceutical companies Roche and GSK. * * Dr. Arnold Monto is an expert for SAGE. He was chairman for the WHO of a conference in August in which experts were consulted about H1N1. Two years earlier he was also chairman at a WHO conference on the possibility of a flu pandemic. But Monto is also a paid advisor for GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Novartis and Baxter.
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9 September 2013
Why is Syria under attack? - Part 4
‘Syria’ is about power, money, influence and energy
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Why is Syria under attack? - 3
Syria and Iran are like pieces on a geopolitical chessboard
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