This article is part of the series
Arab Spring.
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The Western influence on the Arab Spring - 2
By Daan de Wit
Translated by Ben Kearney Revolutions - be they spontaneous or not - are more appealing than wars. They cost less in terms of blood and money. This explains the great interest taken by the West in the development of programs designed to bring about revolutions. These programs make use of a template, a pattern. This can be seen in the color revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Green Revolution in Iran. Now we have the Arab wave, and again the same elements are back. This is part 2 of The Western influence on the Arab Spring. Read part 1.
Ghonim's Facebook page became a huge success: 473,000 people used the site to organize. Ghonim is part of the team surrounding Nobel Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei, the former chairman of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the founder of the National Association for Change, the darling of the West and the favorite candidate for the transitional post-Mubarak phase. Ghonim 'repeatedly hammered home a simple message: “This is your country; a government official is your employee who gets his salary from your tax money, and you have your rights.” He took special aim at the distortions of the official media, because when the people “distrust the media then you know you are not going to lose them”,' writes The New York Times. James Bond camp How spontaneous was the current wave of revolutions? It's possible that rebellion was already in the air for some time. 'These unfolding transformations have been less of a surprise for us at al-Jazeera.' But then the question remains as to whether it was a matter of a totally spontaneous event or of an external guiding hand. A guiding hand that accepts the fact that their current ally is finished, and so wants to exercise influence on the process of transformation, to be able to influence the outcome in this manner. A document leaked by WikiLeaks proves the U.S. support for the April 6 Youth Movement. A movement which, according to U.S. President Obama, is part of a trend that 'could spread to other authoritarian governments in the region, including in Iran.'
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