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27 September 2011  |     mail this article   |     print   |    |  Fuggin Suggin
Chomsky supports Occupy Wall Street Campaign
FugginSuggin.com emailed the great philosopher Noam Chomsky at his MIT email address to get his position on the Occupy Wall Street campaign. Believe it or not, he responded within minutes.

FS: "I would like to ask you your position on the Occupy Wall Street campaign. There are many within the movement that are extremely inspired by you, and we want to know if you are supportive of the movement."

Noam Chomsky: "Not only supportive, but sent a strong message of support."

 I know - a rather brief and fragmented response for a Professor of Linguistics at MIT, but it is great that A) he responded, and B) that he supports the movement.

We sent him a follow up asking if he has any messages for the participants or those around the world watching the demonstration, and he responded again with the following:

"Below a message I sent to the organizers at their request, last week

Anyone with eyes open knows that the gangsterism of Wall Street -- financial institutions generally -- has caused severe damage to the people of the United States (and the world). And should also know that it has been doing so increasingly for over 30 years, as their power in the economy has radically increased, and with it their political power. That has set in motion a vicious cycle that has concentrated immense wealth, and with it political power, in a tiny sector of the population, a fraction of 1%, while the rest increasingly become what is sometimes called "a precariat" -- seeking to survive in a precarious existence. They also carry out these ugly activities with almost complete impunity -- not only too big to fail, but also "too big to jail."

The courageous and honorable protests underway in Wall Street should serve to bring this calamity to public attention, and to lead to dedicated efforts to overcome it and set the society on a more healthy course."

We thank Mr. Chomsky for his time, attention, and encouraging words.  On a related note, for those interested in why this protest is occurring, please read Senator Bernie Sanders' article on the auditing of the Federal Reserve and the "more than $16 trillion in total financial assistance [channeled] to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world." 

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