18 July 2005 |
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This article is part of the series: London 7/7 false flag[ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ]
London Bombings: False-Flag Operation? - part 3
Rudolph Giuliani Was in London During the Bombings
By Daan de Wit This article has been translated into English by Roy McCoy.
Former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani, the ultimate expert on exercises-that-coincidentally-become-reality, could assist London since he happened to be there at the moment of the explosions, even right by the place where the first bomb went off.
The exercises-that-coincidentally-became-reality* in New York on September 11 produced an extremely valuable expert, namely Rudolph Giuliani, the city's mayor at the time. The man who then managed the crisis in his city was at the moment of the bombings in London present right by the subway station where the first bomb went off and thus, with his unique expertise, could be of immediate service to the Brits. Giuliani turned the emergency of September 11 into a feather in his cap and established 'Giuliani Partners [...], a security consultancy and investment bank,' following thereby the same path as former member of Scotland Yard's anti-terrorism unit Peter Powers, mentioned in the previous part of this article, who led the exercise-that-became-reality with his Visor Consultants on July 7 in London. Powers had to experience what Giuliani had already gone through, and luckily Giuliani was around. * Read in DeepJournal more about the wargames that brought down U.S. defenses on September 11, 2001.Exercise 2004 as Preparation for Exercise 2005Giuliani in London to MSNBC: 'It seems to me that the emergency services here in London were prepared for this. I don't mean prepared for the exact day, but prepared for something like this happening. I think they expected this to happen. Unfortunately, they didn't know the day or the hour, but they expected this to happen." The planners of the London exercise-that-coincidentally-became-reality were not totally unprepared. In April of this year a transatlantic exercise was held 'which included 'bombs' being placed on buses and explosives left on the London underground', wrote The Observer: 'The anti-terror drill, codenamed Exercise Atlantic Blue [...] concentrated on testing security weaknesses in the transport system.'London, July 2005: Giuliani and ex-CIA Agent Robert KileyGiuliani was 'just yards from Liverpool Street [...] station, when the bombs went off', wrote Fox News. When asked how he felt Giuliani said in London: 'I'm not sure, Lester. I don't know. There is a certain question I have in my mind: Why was I so close both times? ... Obviously there was no connection, but only God can answer questions like that, I guess.' Fox News quotes Giuliani when he says about the bombings: '"They are a very eerie reminder of Sept. 11. I was right near Liverpool [Street] station when the first bombing took place, so I could hear the sirens and then kept hearing reports of different bombings, in different parts of the city," he told Sky News television. Mr. Giuliani was in the City as the Underground system was evacuated and roads were closed in a rush of emergency vehicles and evacuations.' That things ran as smoothly as Giuliani said may be due in part to Bob Kiley, currently Commissioner of Transport for London, in earlier days a fairly high-ranking CIA agent. Giuliani is no stranger to Kiley, the savior of the London Underground; more than that, he really likes him: 'London Mayor Ken Livingstone today welcomed the intervention of his New York counterpart after he backed London's Transport Commissioner Bob Kiley. New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani defended Transport Commissioner Robert Kiley after Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott's office released figures claiming the New York subway was far less safe than the Tube. Mayor Giuliani's press secretary said Mr Kiley was "an incredible asset to New York City"', according to this press release from the mayor of London. Speaking of the CIA and the London Underground: the CIA and Bechtel have often collaborated; Bechtel is part of a trio of firms that the Underground is going to freshen up.Giuliani's Right-Hand Man Associated with Peter Power The statements of Peter Power -the man behind the exercise-that-coincidentally-became-reality in London- figured centrally in the last two parts of this article series. Rudolph Giuliani and Peter Power have a mutual friend, namely Richard Sheirer. Sheirer was Giuliani's right-hand man and on and around September 11, 2001 was the boss of OEM, 'the major's Office of Emergency Management', writes Mike Ruppert on page 406 of his book Crossing the Rubicon. 'He's the guy Giuliani calls "the man behind the curtain." He's the wizard of OEM', writes New York Metro. Sheirer and Power sat together on the advisory commission CCEP, the Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness.Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Sheirer is Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. And: 'Mr. Sheirer is a Senior Vice President at Giuliani Partners Giuliani is '.Suspected Roles of Giuliani and Sheirer on September 11On September 11 Giuliani was operating out of the Emergency Command Center on the 23rd floor of World Trade Center Building 7. The command center had its own air supply, fuel tanks and bomb-proof windows. WTC 7 was a large building over forty storeys high, was not hit and yet fell in on itself, straight down in the manner of a controlled demolition [see video 1 2, WMV]. As if he had foreseen this drama, Giuliani and his team could simply continue functioning because by chance a large backup-operation center had been created in connection with the Tripod II exercise scheduled to take place the following day, also under the direction of Giuliani and Sheirer. Also earlier on 9/11 Giuliani must have enjoyed a sort of prophetic power, namely concerning the collapse of the WTC towers. Considering the solid structure of the towers, their collapse was unimaginable, and the collapse remains contested to this day because bombs would be what brought the WTC towers down. 'Before either of the twin towers collapsed, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and his associates were told to leave the headquarters they had set up within Building 7. 'We were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna collapse,' Rudolph Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News that morning, "and it did collapse before we could get out of the building." Despite this, Giuliani fled WTC 7 at least eight hours before it collapsed. How did he know that the twin towers were going to collapse if it was such an unprecedented occurance? Why didn't the firefighters on the ground get the same warning?', wrote Prison Planet.Giuliani and AnthraxAnother Giuliani company participated in the cleanup of the anthrax sent to the tabloid Sunday; the attack on the paper was part of a series of attacks that for a time terrorized the U.S. CBS wrote: 'The cleanup is being led by BioONE, a company established by former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Sabre Technical Services, which decontaminated other buildings hit by anthrax attacks.' Earlier we wrote that according to the Washington Post the anthrax spores were consistent with those from the Army base Fort Detrick. This correlation of attacks and Army may be read about also in a section of the previous part of our series on the bombings in London: Bombs Made with Military Explosives.
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