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6 november 2009   |     mail dit artikel   |     print   |     |  DeepJournal
Dit artikel is deel van de serie: Mexicaanse griep
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What to choose... The vaccine or a natural remedy for the Swine Flu? The facts and the fiction.

By Daan de Wit
Translated by Ben Kearney

Long lines are forming at health centers that are administering the Swine Flu vaccine. But the vaccine isn't getting to everyone. Many doctors and nurses don't dare take on the vaccine's risk. They point to the potential side-effects as well as the fact that the Swine Flu has only affected a fraction of the number of people that die every year of the common flu. Vaccination in The Netherlands is voluntary, but in America they've taken it one step further. There people are being compelled on a large scale to be voluntarily vaccinated. Voluntary in the sense that anyone who refuses the shot is being excluded from further involvement in work or access to...

Because only a 'stubbornly low proportion' of doctors and nurses in the U.S. are willing to be vaccinated (see also this interview, 4:20), some hospitals are now making it mandatory, reported The Washington Post in late September. MedStar, the largest healthcare employer in Washington D.C., 'is requiring vaccination of all 25,000 of its workers -- including nurses, orderlies, janitors and food-services employees -- as well as 5,000 affiliated doctors, every volunteer, and employees of suppliers who step inside any of its facilities, regardless of whether they routinely have direct patient contact. [...] MedStar workers who refuse would face disciplinary action, including possibly being fired. [...] 'I'm scared,' said Sandra Webb, 45, of the District, who has a clerical job at Washington Hospital Center and blames a flu shot she had several years ago for making her sick. 'It's really freaking me out. I don't know what to do''. [...] 'I don't want to be a guinea pig,' said Orne Banks-Hopkins, 55, a clerical worker at Washington Hospital Center'.

It's not only institutions that have started making it a requirement: 'New York this year became the first state to require all health-care workers with direct patient contact at hospitals, health centers, hospices and private homes to get flu shots -- both the seasonal flu vaccine, which is already available, and the swine flu vaccine, which will start to arrive next month'. It affects about a half million people and no exceptions are allowed. That's also true for all branches of the American military. Regarding the UK, the Washington Post writes: 'A survey of 1,500 British nurses conducted in August by the Nursing Times found that one-third would not get the vaccine because of safety concerns'.

Dutch newspaper NRC Next writes this morning about the large number of people that want a Swine Flu vaccine and about the doubt among personnel: 'The doctors and their assistants at the Lindenholdt Health Center take a break after an afternoon of giving out around a thousand vaccinations. In the middle of the table sits a big bowl of candy and a box of cookies. They're hearing a lot of uncertainty about the Swine Flu. Even nurse Heidi Jans is unsure whether or not she wants to get the vaccine, even though the authorities are strongly recommending it. 'There is so little known about the side-effects of this vaccine'. A colleague of hers says 'I really think that you have to do it. You're doing it for your patients too'. [...] Earlier that afternoon she (Jans) was in doubt as to whether she would have to get the shot, and now she is walking around the building waving her right arm. One of her colleagues gave her the flu shot. Laughing, she says 'Well, if I have to call in sick tomorrow, you guys will know why!'

Investigative journalist William Enghdahl wrote in early June about an article in the French paper Le Journal du Dimanche. The article explains that France is working secretly on a billion-euro plan to administer mandatory vaccinations to their entire population. 'Le plan secret contre la grippe A'. Meanwhile only about 50,000 people have taken the vaccine in France.

Naturally strengthening the immunity: Vitamin D3
Dutch newspaper de Telegraaf writes: 'Because so many Dutch are afraid of the Swine Flu, it's caused an actual run on the vaccine for the regular seasonal flu'. This group of people is probably not aware of a study that was done involving 12 million Canadians which showed that taking the vaccine for the common flu doubles one's chances of getting H1N1. There is yet another study that this same group of Dutch citizens probably haven't heard of either, namely that of the American Professor Gombart. I'll be interviewing him soon for DeepJournal. He has done research into the 'sunshine vitamin' D3. It's a vitamin that is synthesized by the human body at the moment that it comes in contact with the sun. A half hour in the summer sun provides around 20,000 international units (iu) of D3. It strengthens the immune system and makes the flu a rare phenomenon in the summer. The shortage of sunlight in the winter can be compensated for by taking capsules of D3.

Dr. Gombart, but also other doctors, such as Dr. Mercola and Dr. Cannell, advise taking 5000 iu per day. Cannell says: 'If you asked anybody who takes 5000 units of vitamin D a day, they'll tell you they just don't get sick anymore, the colds and flu just don't happen'. Capsules containing 5000 iu can't be sold in The Netherlands, but can be ordered in the US: synthetic or natural. Best is to choose a name brand just to be sure, such as Now Foods. Vitamin D3 is absorbed by the body, and the goal is to get it to a level of between 50 to 80 nanograms per milliliter. It's advisable to monitor the dosage with a blood test after about three months. For someone who already has the flu, Mercola recommends (6:20) taking 2000 iu of D3 per kilogram of body weight, once a day for three days.

Naturally occuring or artificially made virus - 1
Investigative journalist and former employee of the National Security Agency, Wayne Madsen, says that the current Swine Flu virus is man-made. He bases his opinion on the research of a virologist who spent eight months looking into the virus, as well as on the work of other scientists. His comments call the military base Fort Detrick to mind. The Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick appeared to be the source of the anthrax used for the 'Al Qaida' attacks made through the mail during the aftermath of 9/11. The statements made by Madsen also hearken back to this article from April 28th of this year: 'Vials of swine flu virus explode on train'. 'It is the same stock as the H1N1 virus but it has nothing in common with the strain spreading around the world', said Laurent Kaiser, head of the Geneva laboratory whose employee was transporting the virus by train.

In 1976, forty million Americans were vaccinated after two soldiers at the Fort Dix military base got the Swine Flu, which was similar to the 1918 virus that claimed millions of victims. More than two hundred soldiers were infected at Fort Dix, and one of them, David Lewis, succumbed to the virus. There were ultimately more people who died from the vaccine back in 1976 - 25 - than from the virus. At the time, CBS did a story on this and interviewed a woman who was partially paralyzed as a result of being vaccinated. The outbreak at Fort Dix was eventually brought under control, but a year later the virus again came into contact with people elsewhere in the world (resulting in a limited pandemic). How could this happen? According to investigators, the H1N1 virus may have accidently escaped from a research laboratory.

Part 2 of the question as to whether the Swine Flu virus is naturally occurring or artificially created will be pursued in future parts of this series.

President Obama, vaccinations, facts and fiction
In 2005 Barack Obama wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times on how to prevent a pandemic, the world at that time being under the threat of the Bird Flu. He also gave an interview on this subject. Even then he was an advocate of the government taking forceful action: '[...] the government's going to have to incentivize the large capital investments that will be required in order to manufacture sufficient quantities once a vaccine is identified [for a given strain of avian flu]'. For the consequences are great, said Obama: '[...] in addition to obviously the loss of life, the breakdown of our health systems, the economic consequences would be huge'. In the meantime the now President Obama has declared the pandemic - defined as such by the WHO - a national emergency. Due to this declaration, various laws and bureaucratic rules can be bypassed. Obama has asked Congress for and has received three times the amount of money than was originally planned to combat the virus. But what are the facts?
CBS investigated and shows that most instances of Swine Flu are not Swine Flu at all. In The Netherlands the coverage is sometimes also a bit too enthusiastic: 'The girl did not have Swine flu. [...] 'There was no flu whatsoever', said a spokesperson for the RIVM [the Dutch CDC]'.

Censoring the internet during an outbreak
The U.S. Congress has mandated a study into the possibility of shutting down websites during an outbreak of the Swine Flu. The goal would be to prevent the internet from getting bogged down from too many people who are home sick with the flu going online and watching videos or playing online games. In a report [PDF] sanctioned by Congress that was published this month, it states that the Department of Homeland Security has done too little to tackle this problem. The report also points out the tricky legal issues involved with shutting down websites. The investigators see a ray of hope in the form of the potential authority of the president to shut down portions of the internet. The words 'danger' and 'censorship' do not appear in the report. Jerald Levine of the DHS says: 'An expectation of unlimited Internet access during a pandemic is not realistic'.


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