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28 oktober 2009   |     mail dit artikel   |     print   |     |  DeepJournal
Dit artikel is deel van de serie: Mexicaanse griep
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Compulsory vaccinations and implanted chips? Facts and fiction surrounding the Swine Flu

By Daan de Wit
Translated by Ben Kearney

Rumors about the Swine Flu are getting around faster than the virus itself. Mass compulsory vaccinations would beimminent. Tiny nanochips hidden inside the vaccine? This article is a first step towards separating fact from fiction.

One of the rumors involves an allegedly leaked police report. It's a blueprint for the wholesale and compulsory vaccination of the Dutch population. The only thing it needs is a specific date filled in where the question marks are now, and then the document is ready to be put to use. The title of the document [PDF] is 'PROVISIONAL POLICE SCENARIO IN EVENT OF INFLUENZA PANDEMIC'. The question as to whether or not this is an official document has basically been answered by the fact that it has been put on 'the official website for the IJssel-Vecht region' of The Netherlands. This site is the precursor to the websites for the GGD IJsselland and IJsselland Emergency Response and is registered to the address of IJsselland Emergency Response.

It is section 1.1.2 of this document that is giving cause for alarm on all sorts of forums and websites. It reads: 'It is decided at ? by the Ministers of Public Health, Welfare and Sports, and State that a vaccination of the entire population (in a portion of the country or in the entire country) will be put into motion. The vaccination will commence on ? at 8:00AM. Given the available information at this time, the R.C.C. will be operational from ? hrs'. Many people are reading this to mean that the vaccination will become mandatory. There is even someone who is sending an email around which says: 'I've just come from police headquarters in Zaanstad where I reported to the police that I had inside information of the intent to commit a crime - (forced) vaccination. They spoke to me nicely and took me seriously. [...] I brought some information with me that I had downloaded from Want to Know [...]'.

Want to Know is the website of Fred Burks, a former interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton. A few years ago Burks started the website WantToKnow, and since then a corresponding Dutch-Belgian site has surfaced. The site contains an article on compulsory vaccination and the surreptitious administration of nanochips. I was directed to the piece by the author himself after I had responded to one of his previous articles: 'Nanochip in the vaccination!?'. This article is based on an English translation of a German article. The article describes comments after a lecture made by 'a woman' who mentions that 'a friend of hers' works at a pharmaceutical company in Vienna and that this friend told her that the needles of the Swine Flue injections contain nanochips. So if you get a Swine Flue vaccination, the chip disappears into your body and all kinds of data can be recorded on it. My question to the writer of the Dutch article is whether it is indeed the case that his story is based on the unverifiable story of an unknown woman - as told to another unknown woman - who supposedly related it at a lecture given to a German audience. He confirmed this and referred me to an earlier article of his.

This earlier article opens with the well-known story that documentary filmmaker Aaron Russo made friends with Nicolas Rockefeller, a scion of the renowned Rockefeller family. Russo explains in an interview with activist and publicist Alex Jones that Rockefeller entrusted him with all kind of secrets. One of those secrets (see 6'25 in the interview) being that the population of the world would be 'chipped'. This calls Rockefeller's motives into question, whether he spoke the truth, and whether Russo has given an accurate portrayal of the conversation. Russo's comments can no longer be verified because he has since passed away.

After the information about Rockefeller, the article deals with 'America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009'. This document is supposedly proof that the American population is going to be chipped. Quotes from the document regarding implantable 'class II' devices should convince the reader to adopt the conclusion: 'It is the intention that these kinds of devices will be implanted in the majority of the population, the portion which chooses to register with the new public health program'.

In the original American document it talks about 'a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining'. It sounds like the official description of a pacemaker. But it turns out that pacemakers fall under the category of class III devices. Class I, II or III is an indication of how much regulatory control a device is subjected to. The Food and Drug Administration states that 'Examples of Class II devices include powered wheelchairs, infusion pumps, and surgical drapes'.

The Dutch article states that the implanted chips transmit patient data. The writer cites as proof the American document that talks about 'data'. In the document it says that a record will be created for the aforementioned class II device, and that data will be stored in that record. Further down it states what is meant by data: information about the above-mentioned device and other data, such as 'claims data', etc. In contrast to what is said in the article, this has nothing to do with the 'chipping' of people.

The article concludes by citing the Children's Health Insurance Program, CHIP for short. The suggestion is made that this program also has something to do with the implanting of chips in people. The writer doesn't go any further than making this suggestion because it's not possible to factually do anything other than make a suggestion.

Besides the above article, the email that I received from the author referred me to another article with yet more proof, this from the hand of the same writer. It's entitled: 'Lies, half-truths and manipulations'. It quotes someone who claims to have information from a group of extraterrestrials who answer to the name of The Hathors. Well, what can I say?.

Based on what I've read on this subject and discussed here, it has to be concluded that we are dealing with half-truths and whole rumors. I'm interested in solid information regarding vaccines (how much Thimerosal/Thiomersal/mercury they actually contain, how much Squalene), any possible vaccination programs, and of course ways to strengthen the immune system, such as Vitamin D3.


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